
How to make a forced regeneration of DPF via Honda HDS HIM

Honda HDS connects to the PC only on a Com Port (RS232), If you do not have a Com Port, you will need an adapter. Here I recommend High quality Honda HDS.
Before starting forced regeneration, there is much extra info you need keep in mind:
1.Ensure a PC laptop preferably holding the charge for use to avoid power out during the operation.
2.It takes about 30 minutes to finish the whole procedure. So either you stay in car while time is still on or off with the PC: Not to go back in the car during the regeneration, to avoid possible problems.
3.If you use an adapter Com, verify that the com port is set to COM1 (The interface does not work on another COM port).
4.Check the oil level before and after regeneration. When finish regeneration, the oil level is too high or it stinks diesel will require draining.
5.Disable the energy saving USB, anti-virus, Internet and all that can use PC recourses.

Forced regeneration operation:
1.Make a nice trick with car to make 76 ° stably or at least not too far.
2.Put them in a place where noise motor can interfere people and nothing can come under the car (The DPF rises above 600 ° C).
3.Open the hood
4.Disable all that pump energy (ceiling and more) and especially not fun to reactivate during operation.
5.Connect the HIM to the car and the computer.
6.Start the HDS
7.Turn the ignition II
8.In the HDS, press the “Select a new vehicle” and enter into mileage.

