
Multi diag access J2534 interface No VCI Found

Are you still puzzled by the problem of Multi diag access J2534 interface No VCI Found? The newest high quality multi-diag access j2534 can fix this problem. Multi-Di@g Access J2534 Pass-Thru OBD2 Device, one of best multi-diag access j2534, is 100% percent compatible with Passthru+ XS (also known as Multi-Di@g Access) by Actia.
What is Access J2534 Pass-Thru Device?
Access J2534 Pass-Thru Device is a VCI (vehicle communication Interface) enabling you to communicate with the ECU’s according to the J2534 & J2534-1 specifications.
What is Multi-Di@g access function?
Beside ECU reprogramming, with the help of Multi-Di@g Office software vehicle diagnostic, maintenance and repair operations can be done in just a few clicks without being an electronic expert.
Which car models J2534 interface works with?
J2534 interface works with more than 45 brands car models, a lot of new vehicles, a large deepness in diagnostic functions.
After selecting the car manufacturer, then you can make the diagnosis for the different menus on offer (depending on cars models).

Check J2534 interface car list at:
multi-diag access j2534

